

The LiLaC web application is being developed as part of the project 'A Living Law: Minor Canonical Collections in the Carolingian Period', funded by a Forschungsstipendium from the Gerda Henkel Stiftung. The project aims to improve our understanding of eighth- and ninth-century canonical dynamism through a systematic study and analysis of ‘minor’ canonical collections: smaller collections and canonical florilegia assembled by local masters, not seldomly characterised as ‘unstructured’ or ‘derivative’ in modern catalogues. Since they remain mostly unedited and unpublished, these works have by and large escaped modern study. Yet, to further our understanding of Carolingian intellectual developments, it is crucial to study precisely these scholarly exploits of ostensibly limited and mostly local influence.


Different people have entered manuscripts manually:


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Source urlManuscripts

Quick Reference

The main purpose of the Lilac web application is to facilitate searches. Its records are divided into material evidence (witnesses) and 'type' or authority files (reconstructed collections as published in the scholarly editions).
Item Possible search
Manuscript The material witnesses that form the basis of our understanding of the past
Collection Witness The collection as it survives in a manuscript
Canon Witness The constituent elements of Collection WItnesses, as they survive in manuscripts
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Work The archetype or original of authoritative statements (for instance, the Synod of Agde (506), as it occurs in scholarly editions
Historical Collection A Historical Collection is an canonical collection as named by scholars, such as the Collectio Dacheriana or the Collectio Vetus Gallica. The full text reflects those of scholarly editions
Canon edition The constituent elements of Historical Collections, as they survive in Historical Collection
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Library (working!) Find one or more libraries by choosing a country, city and/or (part of a) library ('s name). Choose Search >> Library. Then use 'typeahead' and/or 'wildcards' to find a selection of libraries. Download that selection as Excel, CSV or JSON.

The source code of Lilac is available at github.

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