Different people have entered manuscripts manually:
Person | Manuscripts |
erwin | 4 |
svenmeeder | 3 |
We also have read and processed information from external sources:
Source url | Manuscripts |
https://www.ru.nl/solemne/upload_teixml | 0 |
Item | Possible search |
Manuscript | The material witnesses that form the basis of our understanding of the past |
Collection Witness | The collection as it survives in a manuscript |
Canon Witness | The constituent elements of Collection WItnesses, as they survive in manuscripts |
-- | -- |
Work | The archetype or original of authoritative statements (for instance, the Synod of Agde (506), as it occurs in scholarly editions |
Historical Collection | A Historical Collection is an canonical collection as named by scholars, such as the Collectio Dacheriana or the Collectio Vetus Gallica. The full text reflects those of scholarly editions |
Canon edition | The constituent elements of Historical Collections, as they survive in Historical Collection |
-- | -- |
Library | (working!) Find one or more libraries by choosing a country, city and/or (part of a) library ('s name). Choose Search >> Library . Then use 'typeahead' and/or 'wildcards' to find a selection of libraries. Download that selection as Excel, CSV or JSON. |
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