Short user manual

Home page

The home page of the Solemne web application comes up with three pie charts that give a bird's eye view of the current status. This status is provided for three categories:

  • Sermon manifestations
  • Super sermons gold (SSGs)
  • Manuscripts

Each of the pie charts show a red, orange and a green area. These area's signal progress in processing the sermons, SSGs and manuscripts. Each color stands for one area of progress:

red Initial items have been imported (often automatically), but no processing has begun yet.
orange Edited items are being edited and reviewed by the Solemne team.
green Approved items have been manually approved.

SSG histograms

The super sermons gold (SSG) listview provides a 'histogram' button. The histogram shows how the total amount of SSGs is divided in terms of 'sermon manifestation frequency'. Each SSG has such a frequency, and this amounts to the number of sermon manifestations that are linked with the SSG.

The SSG histogram adapts itself to the current set of filtered SSGs.

Instruction video's

Dragging sermons

Instructions (Dutch):